Monday, March 3, 2014

March - the Feast of Purim!

This month we will be celebrating the wonderful Feast of Purim!!  Let's get ready to dress up in beautiful long gowns and enjoy dancing, singing and a special message from Queen Esther!

God blessed Queen Esther because she knew God and trusted in Him even when it was very hard to do. When you want to know someone, you talk to them, find out what they like, take time to be with them and listen to what they say, go where they go, you like and follow them! That's what we have to do with Jesus.

To do that, you have to read the Bible daily - it doesn't have to be a lot, just to hear God speak to you.  Read books that help you learn more about God instead of watching cartoons, silly comedies and reality shows that keep you from Him.

Pray every day.  When you wake up, pray the Lord's Prayer! If you don't know it, your Big Sis will teach you the Lord's Prayer in church.  Pray strong whenever you feel lonely or need the help of Jesus, when you're scared, don't know what to do or you're scared.

Go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays - listen to the pastor's message, sit in front of the church and pay close attention because God will speak to you about your life.

Follow the example of women of God and forget about celebrities who become idols and gods for so many people in this world - actors, singers, bands, models.  How can you learn more about God if you don't enjoy being like Him?  Be a friend with girls who are also friends of God.  If you are on any online communities, like and follow the things of God - church blogs, and things that will inspire your faith.

This month's tasks:

  1. At least once a week, share something you know about Jesus in our Godllywood Girls group and tell why it is important in your life. 
  2. Wear an outfit that is both modern modest take a picture and send it to your Big Sis so we can post it on our blog. 
  3. Get to know your new friend-like-sister that your Big Sis will choose for you and record a video together that you share with your Big Sis to post on our blog, talking about what Jesus means to the both of you.

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