Monday, December 2, 2013

December Tasks

It's the end of 2013!!! Can you believe the year has flown by so fast?  This is our month of looking back and reevaluating how we have pleased God, how we have grown, and what areas of our lives still need more work.  Your task this month is to ask your Sis to give you 2 personal tasks that she knows you need to work on.  Maybe they will be tasks that she gave you before but you didn't do them well, or didn't learn from.  Or maybe she'll pick new tasks that she knows you need.  Ask her right away and start working on them as soon as she gives them to you.

Sis's please talk to your girls at least once a week, to check on how they're doing!

We'll talk about all we've learned this year in our Pearl and Sapphire retrospective meeting at the end of this month.