Wednesday, July 31, 2013

August Tasks - use your imaginations!!

Do something helpful every day of the month, but choose something different each day.  You can help your mom, your dad, your brothers and sisters, do something for the whole family, do something for your pastor or pastor’s wife, for your Kids Zone teacher or Big Sis, for a neighbor or a church member – it’s up to you to choose!  Proof: Write a journal with your list of what you did every day and who you did it for.

Learn to mix and match your clothes with different accessories!  Have fun with your imagination.  Choose 4 dresses or skirts and wear them twice to church throughout the month, but with a different look each time.  Wear one outfit on a Sunday, and another on a Wednesday.  Choose one of those to remake a third time for the final Wednesday of the month. You will have 9 different outfits with new looks for the whole month of August!  Proof: Show your Big Sis and take pictures to post on our blog and community.

Who is Miriam in the Bible?  Read about her, talk about her with your mom and write about the good things she did, and the mistakes she made too.  Proof: show what you have written to your Big Sis and bring the paper with you to our monthly meeting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Upcoming Rush, only for girls who want to re-enter

Starting the first full week of August, is the new set of Rush Months for the Pre-Sisterhood.  Only this is not the ordinary Rush for new applicants, it’s for girls who once were a part of the group, but for some reason, were not able to continue.  If they want to rejoin us, they can do so only after these requirements are met:

They show an interest to rejoin, and their parent or guardian agrees.
The pastor’s wife of your church agrees that she is ready to try again.
They and their parent/guardian fills out and signs an application form and hands it in before the end of July.
They fulfill all the required tasks for the 3 months, not just barely, but well, using creativity and showing an enthusiasm for the group, and for the meaningfulness of each task.

Then you can hand them the printout of their tasks and they can get started on Sunday August 4th, and it will end, Sunday November 3rd.  You can meet with your PreSisterhood leader in your region during the week to determine which girls made it through.

Click here to find and download the Pre-Sisterhood Rush Task list.  Big Sis's, please find all applications in both Spanish and English on our Godllywood community page.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Your Tasks for July

1. This month let’s learn to give our best to God.  As a member of Pre-Sisterhood, you should already be giving your tithes of allowance, gifts and anything you earn.  If you aren’t, you need to begin right away! 

But as important as your tithes are, your offerings to God are very precious to Him and open doors for you to be blessed.

Learn this month to be a GIVER.  Come to God’s house with something for Him in each service you attend.  If your Kids Zone teacher or Pre-Teen leader forgets to ask for offerings, be sure to give it anyway.  A heart that learns to be generous to God is one that can receive much more from His hands.  In the end, who is blessed?  God is, the work of God is, and you are too!  PROOF: Your Big Sister needs to see that you have given.

2. Your Big Sis will choose a Friend Like Sister for you this month.  Get to know her, invite her to do something fun with you this month, pray for her every day, and give her a special present from you in our next Pre-Sisterhood meeting.

Big Sis’s: please help by always having Kids Zone or Pre-Sisterhood envelopes available to give each meeting.  This isn’t a competition of how much they can give, so make sure they know that what they give is up to them and has to be from their heart. But even so, we want to motivate them to have a giving heart towards God.